Welcome to blurple.py!

Blurple.py is a framework built on top of discord.py, giving you the tools you need to build discord bots with convenience.

Theme provided by discord.py

The API Reference is outlined below.


All the styled components you’ll ever need for building user interfaces in discord.


class blurple.ui.Style

A contextual class to style components.

There are 9 main styles.






  • INFO


  • DARK


You can also create a custom style:

Example Usage

grape_style = (0x9266CC, "\U0001f347", "Grape")

PRIMARY and SECONDARY styles use custom emoji, so are unable to be used out of the box. To work around this, I’ve provided the source .svgs in the repository for the custom emojis used throughout the project. you can add these to a server that your bot is in, then create a custom style.

Alternatively, if you want, you can support me on ko-fi, and I’ll invite your bot to my server with the original custom emojis.


class blurple.ui.Alert(style: blurple.ui.style.Style, title: str, description: str = None, **options)

A subclass of discord.Embed for stylish alert messages.

  • style (Style) – The style of the alert.

  • title (str) – The title of the alert, will be wrapped in emoji and alert name unless specified in options.

  • description (str) – An optional description of the alert, use your imagination for it’s use.

  • **options

    Alert options to customize it’s look.


    Defaults to True. Can be set to false to remove the emoji from the alert title. This will automatically be removed if a custom style specifies it as an empty string.


    Defaults to True. Can be set to false to remove the name of the alert from the title. This will automatically be removed if a custom style specifies it as an empty string.


class blurple.ui.Toast(style: blurple.ui.style.Style, text: str, **options)

A subclass of discord.Embed for stylish toasts.

The difference between this class and Alert is these are intended to hold more deemphasized information. Some functionality is implemented with :module:`blurple.io`, such as the “dismiss” button, and automatic dismissal after the specified duration.

  • style (Style) – The style of the toasts.

  • text (str) – The text of the toasts, will be wrapped in an emoji unless specified in options.

  • **options

    Toast options to customize it’s look.


    Defaults to True. Can be set to false to remove the emoji from the toast.

async send(client: discord.abc.Messageable, duration: int = 5)

Send the toast out.

  • client – The client used, usually a discord.abc.Messageable. Must have implemented send()

  • duration (int) – The duration the toast lasts before disappearing in seconds


Robust functions that enable you to build stable, multi-step commands with ease.


class blurple.io.Reply(ctx: discord.ext.commands.context.Context, *, validate: Union[str, Callable, List, None] = None, on_error: Union[str, discord.embeds.Embed] = <blurple.ui.alert.Alert object>, timeout=180, **kwargs)

An abstract class for getting replies, to be extended.

If you are trying to get a reply from the user directly, you may be looking for MessageReply or ReactionAddReply.

Extending this class:

In order to extend this class, there are 5 methods you can specialize.

  • ctx – The Context variable

  • validate

    An optional parameter to validate the reply.

    • If left blank, no validation will be performed.

    • If you pass a list / set, validation will succeed when the reply content is found inside the list/set.

    • If you pass a str, validation will succeed when the reply content matches the string as a regex.

    • If you pass a function or coroutine, the function will be called, and the coroutine awaited, validation will succeed when the function returns a Truthy value. The reply object will be passed as a parameter.

  • on_error – An optional parameter specifying the message to send when the user fails validation, defaults to a simple “Invalid Reply” Alert.

  • timeout – An optional parameter to change the default timeout length, defaults to 180 seconds.

  • **kwargs

    Any additional parameters that will be passed to on_reply_init(). This can be useful if you are extending this class and need to take extra parameters when initializing.

async result()

Await the result of the reply.

async classmethod result_between(replies: Container[blurple.io.reply.Reply]) → Tuple[blurple.io.reply.Reply, Any]

Return the first completed result between multiple reply objects.


replies – A collection of Reply objects.


A tuple containing the Reply object and the result it returned.

How to use this

This can be an especially powerful function if used correctly. Here’s an example of an rsvp list interaction with reactions using this function.

This is completely contrived for example and not a practical use.

rsvp_react = "📝"  # Replace this with whatever you want
rsvp_list = []

# Start the reply wait
message = await ctx.send("React to RSVP!")
await message.add_reaction(rsvp_react)

add = io.ReactionAddBasic(message, validate=[rsvp_react])
remove = io.ReactionRemoveBasic(message, validate=[rsvp_react])

while True:
    obj, result = await io.Reply.result_between({add, remove})
    if obj is add:
    elif obj is remove:
    else:  # obj is None (The reply timed out)

# Reply wait complete
await message.clear_reactions()
await message.edit(f"Here's the list of RSVPrs:\n{'\n'.join([f'> <@{user_id}>' for user_id in rsvp_list])}")
async on_reply_init()

An abstract method, to be extended in custom Reply listeners.

This method runs when the Reply class is created.

async on_pre_reply()

An abstract method, to be extended in custom Reply listeners.

This method runs before each reply attempt, can run multiple times with validation.


An abstract method, to be extended in custom Reply listeners.

This method runs as a check to determine whether to recognize the reply event, can run multiple times with validation.

async on_reply_attempt(reply)

An abstract method, to be extended in custom Reply listeners.

This method runs after each reply attempt, can run multiple times with validation.


You can optionally return a parsed version of the reply to be used instead of the raw reply object.

async on_reply_complete()

An abstract method, to be extended in custom Reply listeners.

This method runs after a valid reply is returned.


class blurple.io.MessageBasic(ctx: discord.ext.commands.context.Context, *, validate: Union[str, Callable, List, None] = None, on_error: Union[str, discord.embeds.Embed] = <blurple.ui.alert.Alert object>, timeout=180, **kwargs)

An unopinionated, lower level class to wait for a user to send a message.

reply_check(reply: discord.message.Message)

Specialized to check if the message is in the same channel, and is by the same author.


class blurple.io.MessageReply(ctx: discord.ext.commands.context.Context, *, validate: Union[str, Callable, List, None] = None, on_error: Union[str, discord.embeds.Embed] = <blurple.ui.alert.Alert object>, timeout=180, **kwargs)

Wait for a user to send a reply.

Example Usage

reply = await io.MessageReply(ctx, validate=["yes", "no"]).result()
async on_reply_attempt(reply: discord.message.Message)

Specialized to delete the reply on attempt.


class blurple.io.ReactionAddBasic(ctx: discord.ext.commands.context.Context, *, validate: Union[str, Callable, List, None] = None, on_error: Union[str, discord.embeds.Embed] = <blurple.ui.alert.Alert object>, timeout=180, **kwargs)

An unopinionated, lower level class to wait for a user to add a reaction.

async on_reply_init(message: discord.message.Message)

Sepcialized to pass message object.

reply_check(payload: discord.raw_models.RawReactionActionEvent)

Specialized to check if the reaction and payload message is valid.


class blurple.io.ReactionRemoveBasic(ctx: discord.ext.commands.context.Context, *, validate: Union[str, Callable, List, None] = None, on_error: Union[str, discord.embeds.Embed] = <blurple.ui.alert.Alert object>, timeout=180, **kwargs)

An unopinionated, lower level class to wait for a user to remove a reaction.


class blurple.io.ReactionAddReply(ctx: discord.ext.commands.context.Context, *, validate: Union[str, Callable, List, None] = None, on_error: Union[str, discord.embeds.Embed] = <blurple.ui.alert.Alert object>, timeout=180, **kwargs)

Ask for the user’s reaction reply.

Example Usage

reply = await io.ReactionAddReply(ctx, validate=["✅", "❎"]).result()
async on_reply_init(message: discord.message.Message)

Specialized to add vaild reaction emojis to message, if validation is on.

reply_check(payload: discord.raw_models.RawReactionActionEvent)

Specialized to check if payload user and message are valid.

async on_reply_attempt(payload: discord.raw_models.RawReactionActionEvent)

Specialized to remove the user’s reaction.

async on_reply_complete()

Specialized to clear all reactions off the message.


Utilities and sane defaults for discord.ext commands.


class blurple.ext.Router(bot: discord.ext.commands.bot.Bot)

Create a router, connected to a bot instance to allow route-based command registry.

Example Usage

bot = commands.Bot()
router = Router(bot)

@router.route(["cmd", "subcmd"])
async def subcmd(ctx):
route(command: list, **kwargs)

A shortcut decorator that registers a command route.

  • command (list[str]) – A list of strings defining the route to the command.

  • **kwargs

    Any command attributes to pass on, such as aliases.


class blurple.ext.HelpCommand(embed: discord.embeds.Embed = <class 'discord.embeds.Embed'>, embed_args: dict = {}, **options)

A drop-in replacement for the default HelpCommand class.

  • [embed] (discord.Embed) – Specify a custom discord.Embed subclass to use for the help embed, defaults to discord.Embed.

  • [embed_args] (dict) – Specify custom arguments to pass to the discord.Embed class used for the help embed.

Example Usage

bot = commands.Bot()
bot.help_command = ext.HelpCommand()


class blurple.ext.DurationConverter(*args, **kwargs)

Converter to process text-based durations of time to datetime.

  • years: y/Y, yr(s), year(s)

  • months: m, mon(s), month(s)

  • weeks: w/W, week(s)

  • days: d/D, day(s)

  • hours: h/H, hr(s), hour(s)

  • minutes: M, min(s), minute(s)

  • seconds: s/S, sec(s), second(s)

Units must be provided in descending order of magnitude.

Example Usage

from blurple import ext

async def mycommand(ctx, *, duration: ext.DurationConverter):
async convert(ctx, argument: str)


The method to override to do conversion logic.

If an error is found while converting, it is recommended to raise a CommandError derived exception as it will properly propagate to the error handlers.

ctx: Context

The invocation context that the argument is being used in.

argument: str

The argument that is being converted.


A generic exception occurred when converting the argument.


The converter failed to convert the argument.